Installation of Apache Tomcat Native on Linux Ubuntu 12.04

Linux: Ubuntu 12.04 x64
Tomcat: 7.0.39
Tomcat Native: 1.1.27

I tried to install tomcat's native library in a standard way using apt-get

But, I got error message on the startup of tomcat saying that:

Installed version 1.1.22 is not suitable and at least version 1.1.24 is needed.

The only way I found to solve this error was to compile sources of Tomcat Native into fresh Ubuntu.

Steps used:

1. Install compiler

2. Install openssl and development libraries

3. Install APR package

APR package can be downloaded from

You should see the compiled file in

4. Download, compile and install Tomcat Native source package tomcat-native-1.1.27-src.tar.gz

Download archive into /tmp folder, then:

Now, compiled Tomcat Native library should be in /usr/local/apr/ with a symbolic link file /usr/local/apr/

5. Create or edit the $CATALINA_HOME/bin/ file with line:

6. Restart tomcat and enjoy the desired result:

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