Fedora 13 Linux WiFi configuration on Asus F3S laptop

A few days ago my office collegue asked me about configuration of WI-FI connection on laptop. As I remember it was a bit complicated task and took me extra diggings to run WI-FI on my ASUS F3S laptop. Today I found this brief instruction file noted during my WI-FI installation experience and decided to publish here. Hope, you will find this useful :)

Edit file /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf

Try to scan network to see your home network

I could not find here my company network. Then decided to check available channels

But the channel #12 used in my company WiFi was not listed here. After some googling I found that this issue can be fixed by changing location settings.
Add the line below to /etc/modprobe.d/openfwwf.conf

Reboot laptop and check channels again:

Yes! Now my laptop saw the channel #12!

Just add script to run wifi


P.S. Due to time shortage I could not comment every step. Hope you can understand what is going here.

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